You know that Maximum size of the attachment file in G mail is limited to 25 MB in a mail.So It is difficult to send a video file or a sound file ,which is usually having more size than this limit. But Google has resolved this problem by interfacing its Google Drive with G mail. Let see How to Send a File Having big size via Gmail.! 
  • If you are using Gmail's Old Composing Interface, You need to switch to Gmail's New Composing Interface for using this feature.For this click on compose button and you will find a link "Try out the new composing experience" next to the labels tab.Click on it and you will be redirected to the New Interface
  • Compose the Message and hover over the plus icon at the bottom of the compose window, which will open the insert menu. 
  • Click the Google Drive icon  In the window that appears.
  • You can Upload Your File in the menu that appears.You can also send a file which is already Uploaded in your Google Grive.
  • Send the mail and You will be asked to share the file before sending the mail.Click on Share and Sent and you are done :-)

Watch This Video if you want to see how it works !


  1. Nice information

  2. the video tutorial is helpful Jithin !! Nice Post by a beginner :-)

  3. Thanks, Nice Tips. I am really Happy.


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