Let's imagine i have around 1000 emails in my inbox. I have to download or just back up all the attachments from this emails at once. How to do this ? Opening every mails and downloading attachments from each mail is a tiring process. I have seen this question unanswered in several forums. I too have faced this situation once and i have found a way around. This trick will take only less than 2 minutes and it does not need any software's. Lets see how to do this.

Update : The Script has been updated recently. So there will some change in the setting up procedure. After setting up the script open the spreadsheet Copy of Send to Google Drive v4.0. Change the value of cell D4 to SendtoGoogleDrive and run the program again. Also you will find a folder named Gmail Files instead of Gmail Attachments in your Google Drive folder.

Step 1

  • Setup " Send Gmail attachments to Google drive " script in your Gmail. You can see the setup instructions here .Thanks to Amit Agarwal for this beautiful script.
  • Don't worry about your privacy as this script runs in your own Google account and no one else will have access to any of your data.

Step 2 

  • After Installing the script you will see " SendtoGoogleDrive " label in your label list (see screenshot below)

  • Now go to search bar, type has:attachment and click search. Now you will see all the emails in your inbox which has attachments.
  • Select all the emails with attachments. Click on add label button and select SendtoGoogleDrive ( see screen shot below)

  • Now the script will start sending all the attachments to your Google drive. Wait for sometime till the script finishes its job. ( Go to SendtoGoogleDrive label. if you find this folder empty, the script has finished its job. Now all the attachments has been moved to your Google drive account. )

  • Goto your Google drive account. You will find all your attachments in a folder named GmailAttachments. Now select all the files. Click on more button and select Download. (See screenshot above) Confirm the download and all your attachments will be downloaded as zip file. 
Is this tip helpful ? Speak your opinions as comments :-)


  1. Nice Post ! Was Searching for this tip Thanks :-)

  2. very clever...thank you so much for this post...very helpful!

  3. Doesn't work for me. The script does not create a "SendtoGoogleDrive" label. Only a "AttachmentSaved" label. So I cannot send attachments to my drive. Any suggestions?

  4. The send to google drive label is not showing up in my list at all.

  5. @NoCarsGo
    Thanks for bringing this to my notice. The script has been changed recently. i have updated the setting up procedure.

  6. @gazzamusoHi gazzamuso

    The script has been changed recently.Please see the updated setting up procedure.

  7. how can i cancel/delete this script?

  8. @Nuno Bernardino
    Hi Nuno,
    Open the spread sheet named Copy of Send to Google Drive v4.0 in your Google drive. Go to Gmail Attachments Tab and click uninstall.

  9. Thanks, this is very helpful. Just wondering. I have tried changing the cell D4 to fit a different label. It has worked but seems to only find 4-5 emails at a time before having to run script again. Any ideas?

  10. Superbly Fantastic Kudos to you man God bless

  11. oh i too dont have the send to google drive label

  12. It works really well, but you need to leave the script alone for a while to process the attachments - maybe it handles only 5 at a time every 5 mins.

  13. It seems that the script downloads ONLY attachments that were sent to me. Is there a way to configure it so it will download also attachments that were sent out?


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