Tip 1 - Search query should be short and to the point.

For example if you want to find the name of the actress in the film twilight, A search query like”actress in twilight” will fetch you good results instead of “what is the name of the actress in twilight

Tip 2 -Word Order is important

For example, The search results for queries “Blue sky” and” Sky blue “ are entirely different.

Tip 3 - Use Filter by color to filter your image search results

For example, if you want to search for a circuit diagram you can apply the color filter black and white. This will yield your desired results.

Tip 4 - Filter your search by filetype

Eg. If you want to search for android tutorials in pdf files .Use the query as filetype:pdf android tutorials
Other Compatible filetypes with this commad are doc, docx, ppt, pptx , txt, csv, dat, kml

Tip 5 - Remove Unwanted search results using (–) minus sign

Eg. If you want to search for galaxy and you want to avoid information about Samsung galaxy phones getting crowded in the results then your query will be galaxy –phones. Note there is space before minus sign

Tip 6 - Searching for exact phrase

If you want to search for an exact phrase, put the phrase inside double quotes “ “
For Eg. If you want to know about a quote Poetry begins with a lump in the throat. Your query will be“Poetry begins with a lump in the throat

Tip 7 - Adding more results in your search using OR

To search multiple words simultaneously use OR in between.
For Eg. You want to search about super capacitors. Another names for super capacitors are ultra capacitors , pseudo capacitors etc. So you can improve the search results if you query as super capacitors OR ultra capacitors OR pseudo capacitors

Tip 8 - Search inside a particular site

If you want to filter you results from a particular site you can use the query site:sitename
For example You want to search about penpc in xtrabits.in , Then your query will be pen pc site:xtrabits.in
Also if you want to limit your search inside a particular domain,say .com sites then you can use your query as pen pc site:.com

Some useful Google shortcutsTo Know the showtimes of movies in your city For eg. Calicut

  • movies calicut To know the capital of a country For eg. Germany 
  • capital of Germany To know the weather information of your city eg. Mumbai 
  • weather Mumbai To know the weather information by zip code eg 90712 
  • weather 90712 To know the time at a place For eg. India 
  • time in India To Know your flight status For eg : Air India 216 
  • air india 216 To convert a quantity in another units for eg.212 Fahrenheit to Celsius 212F in C
All these tricks are put together in this video by xtrabits.in (Our Partner blog) Watch this :-)


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