Many of you might have felt some difficulty in saving the HTML/JavaScript Gadget in Blogger after writing your code. I have felt the same so many times and i found a way out.

In my observation the problem arises when the code i tried to add starts with <script> module . So I added a <style> module tags above this script. And the gadget saved Successfully. So try this methods

  • Case 1: If your code already contain <style>.....</style> module, put it before the <script> ....</script> module.
  • Case 2: If your script doesn't contain a <style> module, Put a <style>.....</style> module above the script. You don't need to add anything inside the <style> tags.
  • Note : If case 2 doesn't succeed try giving maximum space in between the tags.
This is purely a trial and error method. There is no technical reasoning behind this :-) We have put this trick as a video watch this !


  1. Ya it really works for me

  2. Works For me Thanks !!! I was experiencing this problem for long period

  3. thanks !!!! Its Working

  4. Really Helpful. And I want to propose a link exchange deal.

  5. It still doesn't work for me :(

    1. Try giving maxiumum spaces between the tags .This is a trial and error method...Gud luck

  6. It doesn't work :( I lost all my hope that one day I will be able to add facebook like box e.g. ... :(

  7. Replace also double-quotes with single-quotes..


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