We often use MS Excel for doing real number calculations. Have you ever tried to do complex number arithmetic in MS Excel ? We don't normally use complex numbers in our day to day life.we totally depend on real domain for performing our calculations. But as a student may need complex number arithmetic. So Lets see how this can be done!

We cannot insert a complex number by just typing "i" with a number. Excel has pre-built functions for getting this task done. 

MS Excel Complex Arithmetic Functions

COMPLEX(real part , imaginary part)  : Converts user-supplied real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number

IMSUM(Number1,Number 2) : Calculates the sum of two complex numbers

IMSUB(Number1,Number 2) : Subtracts two complex numbers

IMPRODUCT (Number1,Number 2) : Returns the product of up to 255 supplied complex numbers

IMDIV(Number1,Number 2): Returns the quotient of two supplied complex numbers

IMABS : Returns the absolute value (the modulus) of a complex number

IMAGINARY :  Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number

IMARGUMENT : Returns the argument Θ (an angle expressed in radians) of a complex number

IMCONJUGATE  : Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number

IMCOS : Returns the cosine of a complex number

IMEXP : Returns the exponential of a complex number

IMLN : Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number

IMLOG10 : Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number

IMLOG2 : Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number

IMPOWER : Calculates a complex number raised to a supplied power

IMREAL : Returns the real coefficient of a complex number

IMSIN : Returns the sine of a complex number

IMSQRT : Returns the square root of a complex number

We have made a short video to demonstrate the use of the above functions with suitable examples. Have a look at this :-)

If you can't find these functions in your Excel Follow these steps :

For Excel 2007

  • Click the Microsoft button on the top left of your spreadsheet and select the Excel Options button
  • From the menu , select Add-Ins
  • In the 'Manage:' box, select Excel Add-ins and click Go...
  • from the pop up window, select  Analysis ToolPak and click OK

For Excel 2010

  • Click the File tab and select Options
  • From the menu,select Add-Ins
  • In the 'Manage:' box, select Excel Add-ins and click Go...
  • From the popup window, select Analysis ToolPak and click OK
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